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Step into happy when you join me for a


Why You Should Join Me

Each Zumba® class is designed to bring people together to sweat it on. If you love to dance and want to get in shape, then this class is definitely for you. You don't have to be coordinated. Leave your troubles behind, just feel the music and move to your own rhythm!


We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party that combines varied and easy to follow choreography. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise.


Super effective? Check.

Super fun? Check and check.


A total body workout, combining all elements of fitness: cardio, toning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome after every class. An American Council on Exercise(ACE) study found Zumba® to be an effective full-body workout for all fitness levels. For more on this study go to:


Days and Times

50 Minute Classes:

Mondays at 9:15am EST(Toronto/New York time)

Fridays at 9:30am EST(Toronto/New York time)


First trial class is $5 CDN then you have 4 choices:


$59CDN($7.38/class) for 4 weeks unlimited

(Attend both Mondays and Fridays for

8 consecutive classes)


$75 CDN ($15/class) - 5 class pack

$120 CDN ($12/class) - 10 class pack

$20CDN - Single class


Please register for your $5 CDN TRIAL by 12pm at the latest,

the day before the class.

Once you sign up your trial, I will email you the paypal and Zoom links. Click the button below to register:

Zumba Referral Program


Refer a friend who attends a $5 CDN trial and YOU get a FREE class!

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